Anyhow, the amounts of phlegm contained in my body at the moment are not the point of this post. I shall proceed...
If you've been around my spot for awhile you are familiar with my struggles with Math. You would also know that after a year in school I finally broke down and took my Math class this quarter.
Well, in all honesty, it wasn't pretty at first. My first week of school I came home and did very poorly on all my homework, did bad on the daily quizzes in class, and the outlook was bleak since my first test was the SECOND week of class.
/commercial break/
so I am sitting in bed typing this and my anna is asleep next to me, snoring a bit. She just woke up, did a big stretch and started to whisper to me:
"Mommy, I just had a really good dream."
"OOOOOH tell me!"
"I was at school, and we had a big pool in the school, so we were all swimming and laughing, and when we got out, there was A BIG PIRATE SHIP... LIKE A REAL ONE... RIGHT INSIDE OUR SCHOOL!"
"Did you get to ride on it?"
"No, but it was so awesome mommy, it even moved like a real pirate ship, and the pool was so big and deep, we pushed it into the pool and the pirates let us keep it!"
/end commercial break/
My math prof offers extra credit work on all tests. She gives us a review sheet to complete, and then we have to go into a math lab and take a practice test. In order for the extra credit points to count, we have to score 85% or higher on the practice test. This was a good deal for me!
I had been working really hard on my Math with a LOT of help from a friend. And when I say a lot, I mean HUGE help HUUUGGGEEE.
For instance, I come home from math class, get ALL of my homework problems wrong, I shoot an email (or a mathmail as it has come to be known), that makes no sense cause I'm retarded, over to this friend, he shoots one back and I completely understand. It's truly amazing. He has a dizzying intellect.
So, when I went in to take my practice test, I was feeling goooooooooood! I zipped right thru the test, knew how to work out every problem, cilcked submit and went over to the printer to get my score when I see...
I actually felt a little tear well up. How do I get a 70% after I've worked so hard?!? So, you know what I did? I didn't sulk, I TOOK THAT BITCH AGAIN!
AND I GOT A 70% AGAIN!! (did you "lol" when u read this? I did)
I couldn't keep taking the practice exam because it was time to head over for the real test. I wasn't a happy camper and I could feel the pissiness start to well up inside me. Do you ever get like that? It's like a pot boiling, and you can feel it start to rise from your gut and move it's way up to your head and if someone were to speak to you at that very moment, they would for surely die.
So what happened? Are you on the edge of your seat dying to know? Did she fail? Did she cry? Is she going to get naked and post pictures?
I think I will let my most excellent math tutor answer this one in limerick, for your enjoyment.
The first test, she was going to fail it
She decided that she would mathmail it
J worked his magic
To avoid scores so tragic
Which in the end, caused her to nail it