It's a good change. There are quite a few people (extended family mainly) that I've steered clear of sharing my blog address with. Maybe I'll even clean up the language a bit....
So, I went to see 300 yesterday. And quite frankly, no wonder we pirate movies. Don't get me wrong, the movie was good. I mean how can you go wrong with two hours of impeccable man flesh being displayed, but my god was that theater awful. I paid $5 for popcorn that wasn't even popped fresh. It came out of a big plastic bag and then they put plastic butter on it. And let's not even get started on the screen. My 60" TV at home is better. Not to mention, I don't even want to know what I was sitting in. And every time blood squirted out of someone I had the boob crew behind me "DAYUM AAAAAWWWWW DAWG WOOOOOO". That theater is off the list.
But HELLO (you'll want to click that and have a closer look ladies)
As the weekend draws to a close I'm starting to realize that I won't be having much of a spring break. I've really gotten behind in things since I started school, our taxes aren't even done. Not that I do my own taxes, but I haven't even pulled all the stuff together to give to my accountant. SIGH. And so much work to catch up on, plus house stuff etc.
I don't want to be a grown up anymore.
BTW, /me gots straight A's this quarter.
But I am totally excited about school next quarter. I already got my books in the mail (you can order them online now, how kewl is that) and I did my first Photoshop chapter. Trust me I'm not an over-achiever, I just think this stuff is fun! If you check out The Pokerslut blog, you will see the pic of Sheila and I, that was made using my Photoshop book for school. I wanted to actually merge the two, but I haven't gotten that far yet! I also made the banner for the page as well in Photoshop. I found a nice site that gave instructions on how to do that metallic effect. The intertubes has so many Photoshop tutorials, it's really sweet.
I'm also taking Adobe Illustrator CS2 class and Digital Animation which teaches the program Lightwave 3D (which they actually used in the movie 300). I'm not sure how good I'd be at animation or how interested I'd be in it, so the class will be interesting. But if I can make something like this one day, that'd be fun :) One downside is that I'm taking Design 3D as well, which I've heard is equivalent to my Typography class on the frustration scale. yippee.
So, that's about it. Life piddles on.
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