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Saturday, March 10, 2007
i love coffee...

I do love me some coffee, and in our house, the stronger the better. I can't say it was always that way, but when we spent 9 days in Ireland we grew fond of their strong coffee. Blame it on the IRISH! Works for me.

Maybe I love coffee because I hate mornings. I also hate people who love mornings, like my Dad. I mean there's nothing a teenager hates worse than having their Dad come in the room 3 hours after they fell asleep (8am) asking if they had seen any good movies lately, or if they wanted him to wash their car after he washes his. Nice gesture, but it is eight o clock in the mother effin morning? And do you really need to ask if I want my car washed? Just do it. My brother and sister read this blog... I am not lying. My Dad still does it to this day, except now he's calling the grandkids and we are usually awake by 8am. My brother in law just learned the joy of the early morning "check in" phone call, having a new baby and all.

Joe and I are still trying to kick this cold/flu/i didn't know such things could expectorate from my lungs thing. A week of it is more than enough punishment, for me anyway.

One more week of school and then SPRING BREAK!! wooo-hoooo I'm having a GGW moment. It is funny, because exactly 10 years ago I was planning my trip to Daytona, and now I'm planning out what house projects I can get done that week. Sad.

This also means the inevitable 30 year mark is ever closer. My best friend from high school, Heather, turned 30 on March 2nd. Omg she is so old. It is weird, when I was younger I always wanted to be older. When you're in your twenties, you could care less about how old you are cause even 29 starts with TWENTY. And altho I know 30 isn't OLD, it is some undeniable bridge into adulthood, or something of that nature. I mean I'm an adult now, well kinda, and I'm 29. Really 30 is no different, but I guess it's just something to get used to. What freaks me out is that I never thought getting older bothered me. All my closest friends are over 40 (well except Heather who is 30) Joni is 44, Tina is 42 and Sheila is 4-something. :) but the point is, I don't think THEY are old... sigh. Just smack me and tell me to get over it, mkay?

Ok, enough rambling and on to the fun stuff.

Like this.

Of course I found it thru stumbling. But when I found wonderful things like



thread direction

I mean an entire forum dedicated to thread jacking on forums. It's UM GENIUS!


hehe. hours of entertainment at my fingertips!
posted by t at 8:33 AM | Permalink |


  • At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    [slap!] GET OVER IT!

    Slapping people is um fun.

  • At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    On behalf of Sheila and other 4-somethings...STFU.

    Lynx, I am afraid you're on your own.

  • At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I really like the one with the Thread Direction, That can easily be me.

    I stopped by to see if you would be willing to do a link swap with me. I have also asked a few of your friends. I am willing to exchange with any GOOD poker bloggers. Good being people that are looking to talk about poker, not make money talking about poker. Anyway, check out my blog at http://www.1struleofpoker.com and if you think its worth a link just drop a comment anywhere in my blog and I will be more then happy to do the same. Thanks again for any blogger love sent my way.

  • At 8:53 AM, Blogger MacAnthony

    Those reminded me of this.