Lately we have been trying to get Anna out of one of her horrid habits. A habit she only has cause well, she's brilliant, and her brilliance frustrates her of coz. She screams. I don't mean she
Needless to say, I can't stand it. Not just the screeching, but what if something really did happen? Of course we have learned to tune out the urgency of such a scream, like when she broke her collar bone, I didn't run straight to her 'cause I just thought it was her normal crapola. (btw, spell check says crapola should be changed to extrapolate)
So anyhoo, we have pulled out all of our parental prowess to stop the madness. One of the things that sets her off is her sister, needless to say. Maya is super bossy and tries to do everything for Anna, which Anna responds to by screaming (ya, I know, but I'm getting to the good part).
Soooooooooo, the other day I asked Anna to get a garbage bag from under the sink for me. Kids like to help Mom, and she hops up quickly to go get the bag, but her bigger and faster sister decides to run in front of her and do it for her. Anna sees her coming and stops in her tracks, puts up "the hand" and says to Maya:
You better stop right there.
Looks are exchanged.
Don't make me scream.
Laughter ensues.
Maya has finally started back to school after a week of sickness which came after two weeks of snow days... it's been a rough month. Anna is still sickly, I'm hoping to send her back to school tomorrow. Saturday she was having some potty issues (I won't go into any more detail). While I was computing she came up to me with an announcement. She spoke very indignantly and said:
MOMMY. Two things. A) when are we going to granny's and B) my butt still hurts
And then just walked away. Love the newsflashes from a 3 year old.
Speaking of kids and our technology driven society... Anna is currently throwing fits because shes watching a cartoon with (god forbid) COMMERCIALS. I replied with:
At least you don't have to get up to changed the channels.
Labels: family
I also read your blog, but this is my first comment. I haven't fully gotten into blogging, but am trying. I am waiting to hear about your girls Christmas present. Are they liking it? Still playing school? Your girls are very cute and I do check in from time to time.