Today I finished my onomato-whata project for my "just poke my eye out" class. I actually did one version of it on Wednesday during class. I had finished all my sketches early cause the prof wanted us to use Adobe Illustrator to do our final project. Of course, this class has no prerequisites, and I had never even seen the program, so I thought it would be a good idea to get ahead and try to get help in class that day.
A kid in my class let me use his iMac and I was happy when I finished it. I had problems getting it to print out at the right size, so I took it to the prof and asked for her guidance. She spent 40 mins showing me how to change the print settings so it would come out right and then added at the end:
Prof: "This isn't going to work by the way"
Me: "Uh, what do you mean?"
Prof: "You can't use an image on your final"
Me: "I asked you that Monday and you said we could use an image"
Prof: "Well, I didn't mean that literally"
long pause as my brain starts to boil over
Me: "Well then you just wasted a lot of my time, literally"
So, we came to the conclusion that I could use a GRAPHIC not an actual IMAGE. mkay. But now I was stuck with no computer with Illustrator on it, so I thought I was going to do it by hand. Until the ol Joester used his almighty connections to get Illustrator on my desktop at home! I knew he was good for something.
Now I had to find a GRAPHIC and not an IMAGE for my project. I googled for hours and found nothing. But, I have friends in high places, and one of them (no not Zerbet) found me an almost puuuuurfect image. I just needed to invert it (change white to black and black to white) in Photoshop.
Or so I thought.
Now, keep in mind, I don't have a clue when it comes to Photoshop or Illustrator. But I do have a Photoshop for Dummies book, which means I must be flat out mentally inept because the book doesn't work much for me either.
When I finally inverted the
I now had to take the image into Illustrator and hook it up with my onomato-whata. I realized at this time how bad the shadow looked. But alas, I'm a donkwad and I don't know how to use the program. So I fiddled a bit and VOILA, I FIXED THAT TOO!
How cool am I?
So here it is... LOOKIE LOOKIE WHAT I DID!!
Seriously tho, this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. The prof will pry shove it up my bum, but for now, I'm at peace with the universe.
Labels: school
Isn't ambiguity fun? Especially with some one holding you success in their hands.
If you don't have Illustrator or there is any other software that you would like, I would suggest buying it now while you are in school. The discounts you get (in some cases like 80% off) are well worth it.
BTW, I went through a year of commercial art and had a lot of the same crap to deal with, so if you need more help or just want to bounce ideas off some one, I would be willing to swap IM info with you. Well that and because I hate my job right now and look for any excuse to slack off.