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Friday, April 07, 2006
Seeing my kids do something for the first time is always interesting. I have always avoided taking them to a funeral. But last night was their first. It was a tough decision, but a very good friend of our family passed at age 56 from a massive stroke, Mike Egbert. He was also the grandfather of Maya and Annas playmates who would of course be there. The people attending would also be mostly adults and kids they know, so we decided it would be a good time to take them with us.

Maya impressed me. She was stuck to Victoria (his granddaughter) like glue the entire time. The viewing was at a huge old funeral home, so the kids there had plenty to explore/terrorize. On the way home she told me what Victoria told her about how her grandpa died. She had alot of questions of course, and I just told her that if she doesnt understand death she shouldnt feel bad, cause most grown ups dont understand it all either. We talked about our souls, and how they never die, whether or not we turn into ghosts or go to heaven and why people dont come back to life like in cartoons/movies.

Before hand I had asked Maya to say dead/die/died as little as possible in front of Anna. She is just too young and wouldnt understand what was going on. And most likely say something really embarassing once we got there. But of course, Adam and Victoria filled her in after we arrived. After that all Anna could say was "Theres a dead papa up there, but hes gonna wake up". The bad thing was she said it to anyone who would listen! Once Joe got there he took all the kids outside to run around, at least that way Anna wasnt so informative.

Overall I think it was a good experience for them. We, in my family, have been fortunate enough not to have to deal with such things yet. Maybe this was she will be a little more prepared for the inevitable.

Today Im off to Mayas school to volunteer at the book fair all day. Anna is going to Uncle Scotts while Im there. Afterwards Maya and I have to hit the grocery to pick up the last few items for my mom and Joes birthday dinner we are having tonight. Im gonna make Joes favorite, Fried Chicken. One of the two times a year I make it (birthday and fathers day) what can I say, Im lazy and fried chicken is alot of work.
posted by t at 6:53 AM | Permalink |